Saturday, October 6, 2012

WAVECOM tutorial documnets download

Reaserch interest : WAVECOM, tutorial. documnets, download, updates, codes, simulation, wireless networks, LTE,umts, wimax,

WAVE COM simulation FILEEES download : how to simulate wireless communication network

.PDF files here

AT commands interface guide



Getting Started with Open AT

MUSE Open AT flyer.pdf

MUSE Platform.pdf

Tools Manual.pdf


open at trainning/ 


Collection list and click and download link will be available

collection of complete reference material and documents

collection wavecom/AT

SIMCom modem.

-> AT+CGATT=1 //Attach to GPRS Service
<- OK

-> AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","<Your APN Name>" //Define PDP Context (cid, PDP type, APN)
<- OK

-> AT+CDNSCFG="","" //Configure primary and secondary Domain Name Servers
<- OK

-> AT+CSTT="<Your APN Name>","<User ID>","<PASSWORD>" //Start Task & set APN, User ID, and password
<- OK

-> AT+CIICR //Bring up wireless connection with GPRS - THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE
<- OK

-> AT+CIFSR //Get Local IP address
<- //returns IP address assigned to your module
<- OK

-> AT+CIPSTATUS //Get Connection Status
<- OK
<- STATE: IP STATUS //returns status of connection, needs to be 'IP STATUS' before you can connect to a server

-> AT+CIPHEAD=1 //Tells module to add an 'IP Header' to receive data
<- OK

-> AT+CDNSORIP=1 //Indicates whether connection request will be IP address (0), or domain name (1)
<- OK

-> AT+CIPSTART="TCP","","80" //Start up TCP connection (mode, IP address/name, port)
<- OK
<- CONNECT OK //Indicates you've connected to the server - this command may take time to give this response

-> AT+CIPSEND //Issue Send Command
<- > //wait for module to return '>' prompt to indicate it's ready to receive data
-> GET / HTTP/1.1 //Send data - this example is an HTTP request for the google
-> Host:
-> Connection: Keep-Alive
-> Accept: */*
-> Accept-Language: en-us
<- //data from server returned - Server will return data here

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

LTE-Sim installation procedure, platform : Windows Steps for LTE-Sim installation

platform : Windows Steps for LTE-Sim installation
1. Download Lte-Sim 
2. Download And Install Eclipse With C++ Ide
3. Open Eclipse And Create A New C++ Project Naming It ''LTE-SIM''
4. Copy/Paste The Scr Folder From The Simulator Downloaded Folder To The Scr Project Created In The Users/Workspace
5. Refresh The New Project And Compilte It
6. Open The Command Line Window And Try Simulator

download video traces for a longer simulation?